Monday, September 26, 2011


Recently, we started Preschool, at home, so Home Preschool. We have been doing it about a month with a simple curriculum and  laid back attitude with it. Kayte loves it. She looks forward to school and wants to do it every day. My intention was only a few days a week, but usually it turns into everyday. We do calendar, weather, work on our alphabet, numbers and writing skills(tracing lines, tracing alphabet and numbers).  We are having a blast with it.

Our art project we created. It is our color chart. Next step is to write the name of the colors underneath the correct colored hand. 

Here is Kayte showing off her color chart. She loooved getting paint on her hands and smooshing it onto the paper!  

We are currently working on our Alphabet train, I will have to take pictures of it when we get it up on the wall. Each week when we learn a new letter we will add it to the train. 

Next week starts Month 2 of our curriculum. I am looking forward to continuing our homeschooling journey. We definitely have just begun, but totally enjoying it. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Family Pictures

On our recent trip to Cincinnati, Dad was nice enough to take some family pictures of our crew! He did a nice job (like always!) I posted 2 on Facebook, but with the way things are going on there, I thought I would post more on here! YAY!
The is one of my favorites of all four of us! We should have however let Little Miss Emma go to sleep like she wanted, but she was cooperative, just didn't smile! 

I finally was able to get some pictures of Joe and I in her bunkers. And they turned out great! 

Emma trying to suck her thumb and fall back asleep. But I love the jeans and black shirts look for all of us! Thank goodness for Hobby Lobby folks!

This is another one of my favorites because of the girls faces! I really do love my little family!

This, I just love! Emma seems a little insulted she is still awake, and Kayte just like, "come on, let's get this over with"!

She was pretending to eat her sister, and it made us all laugh.

LOVE THIS! These girls absolutely love each other! And they melt our hearts.

Another favorite. He could make the calendar, if you know what I mean. ;)

I love this picture, even if it kinda makes him look like he is a Wildland Firefighter.

I jumped on his back after we were done, and didn't realize it would take him off balance, duh Nikki!

We have more pictures from our trip, but that will be for another day! 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Camera Update!

No need to worry now! We, well Joe, found it. This morning after breakfast, Joe was looking again, checking everywhere we had previously. He decided to take the couch cushions off again, and so we both start checking seams of the couch. "Well babe, these don't go down very deep, so I really doubt it's... " "woah woah woah," Joe said with his hands out to the side. Like a cop who just found some evidence that makes his case. What did he see the? The cameras' handle string just a little bit sticking out from the crack in the back of the couch. He pulled it out and we both were thinking it was only the handle until the whole camera came out when he pulled. There was hootin' and hollerin' and high five's all around! Even Kayte was excited.

I didn't think that Kayte had thrown it out, deep down in my 'mother's instinct' chest. I think she only threw it away because she heard us saying maybe she threw it out. But none the less, now that we have found the camera I will be posting pictures of what was on it very soon. Along with some videos of the girls, once I have created my own youtube channel.

Where is the camera?

Recently, I went to take some pictures of the girls to capture some of Kaytes' antics and some of Emmalees' "firsts."  To my surprise and sadness I couldn't find the camera, I didn't look too hard since I was enjoying spending some time with the girls while they both were awake and I didn't have anything that needed doing in the house at the time. A day or so later, I still can't find the camera...hmmm wonder where it can be? I text Joe at work "do you know where the camera is?" Like most days, when he is at work I don't get a quick response. When we talk later he says he doesn't know where it is, but he will check his computer bag and the truck. He also said he would help me look for it in the morning when he got home. That was easy, Joe always seems to have the "magic touch" and can fix it, find it, make it better. So when he got home on Friday morning we ate breakfast, cleaned up our breakfast dishes, and set out to search. Okay, we didn't just ignore the girls while we searched. We searched everywhere. Couch, check. Chair, check. Office, check. Filing cabinet, check. Bathroom cabinets draws, check. Lower kitchen cabinets, check. Girls rooms, check. The loft and all the toys in the loft, check. The loft closet, check. Our bedroom, check. Both vehicles, check. Bags/purses I use most frequently, check. Phone calls to people who have been here recently, check. Joe even checked our recycling.  NO WHERE to be found! It is driving me bonkers.  When Joe asked her what she did with the camera, she went over the garbage can and opened the lid and pointed inside. Now if that is the case, the garbage already got picked up Friday morning and the camera is gone forever. And it bothers me even more because there were pictures on there that I hadn't transferred yet to the computers.

So much to my sadness that I can't upload those pictures on our new blog, I can't even take new pictures of the girls and capture memories.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Welcome welcome

So this is our new blog and this is where we will stay. As most of you know we had Tumblr, but I didn't like that service and I couldn't follow my favorite blogs, and Blogger has more features. I also wanted to get away from the Tumblr blog because all the negativity attached to it. All our updates about the family, me, Joe, and each of the girls accomplishments will be posted here. Facebook will still have updates and pictures and such, but not as much because as they update things Facebook is becoming less and less attractive to me. With all that being said means more photos, videos, and written word here at the blog.