Monday, October 3, 2011

It's October!

A new month. At the end of September we shook up some things here in our house. And soon we will share some of that stuff. I recently signed up for It Works. I am super excited to break into this business. The ultimate body applicator  wrap is AH-MAZING! My postpartum tummy is looking better all ready. I even lost 1.75 inches, in 45 minutes. I can't wait to measure again at the end of 72 hours to see the total loss for my first wrap. The wrap is repairing my skin and tightening and toning and I can already tell a difference.

Enough about ItWorks for now. It is our 2nd month of Preschool. And we have some fun fall activities planned. I have been debating on having a fall harvest/halloween party for the girls. Kayte is doing amazing with our home schooling. :) She definitely looks forward to it each day. Right now we follow the 5 day school week with our "school work" but I am beginning to think we need to do it 7 days a week. Now, we are learning EVERY day, but for 7 days a week we would do all regular daily school activities on the weekend too.. like calendar, and a continuation of our weekly curriculum we have set up. 

Emma caught a bit of a baby cold with the weather change. Which isn't fun for anyone. Poor kiddo can't sleep, which she or I am not used too. She is now on the back side of the cold and doing much better. She can now sit up on her own for a few minutes, she has been doing this for a while now. Emma is totally in love with her sister and Kayte eats that up! Joe and I know we are going to have our hands full, wait, we already do with these two. However, when they are older it will be a whole different kind of hands full. 

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