Friday, October 28, 2011

Stuckey Farm

We went to Stuckey Farms to get a pumpkin and some apples. Unfortunately we missed the best time for picking our favorite apples. So we got 'stuck' with the apples that thrive during this time... I can't remember the name of them. Kayte enjoyed picked apples off the trees when we could find some. (There are no pictures of Em because she was behind the camera with me) We picked a pumpkin from the prepicked because it was so chilly and started to drizzle.

Reaching for the apples!

"I got it Daddy"

"Here mommy"

We bought the caramels that Stuckey Farms make and this 
was her "please" and excitement face to get a piece! 

Maybe next year we will actually get to the farm in time to pick our favorite apples!! 

Our Crazy Girls

These two little girls adore each other so much. They make each other so happy. Here is just a tidbit of what Joe and I deal with on a daily basis! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do! 
*If you are wondering Kayte is eating some pears at the same time and that is what she is doing athe counter.*

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Adopted in August of 2010, Lost October 22, 2011
Rest Easy my friend, you will definitely be missed. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

♥ Sisters! ♥

As I was doing the girls "Spot light" posts, I noticed how hard it is to find a picture of them seperately. So I thought I would share a few pictures of the girls together before I do posts on the parents of these beautiful wonderful girls. These two care so much about each other. Emma loves Kayte and watches her, talks to her and will get sad if Kayte leaves her sometimes. Kayte loves her little sister, she will bring her toys, try to console her if she is crying. And sometimes she will just lay with her and play and talk to her. 

Playing a match game

Reading Emma a 'night night' story she said.

These girls love their books! that makes me happy!♥

These are just a few pictures from September. We will be taking more this month as we make our way to the apple orchard, pumpkin patch, the zoo, and more fun places!

Emmalee Nicole

Emmalee is growing so quick. We feel like time is flying by. This girl is so smart, happy, she is a quick learner, amazing sleeper. She is just as wonderful as her sister. We sure are proud of our girls. I could brag about this amazing little girl just as much as her sister! 

Check her out! So Cute. 

Splash park! She was getting sleepy and was trying to find her thumb.

At the firehouse. Wearing Kayte's fire hat because Kayte didn't want to!

LOOOVE this picture of her! So Adorable!

We love babywearing! She is not happy I pulled her thumb out of her mouth.
Sorry for the slobbery face ;)

Snuggled in close! We love our wrap!

"I loves my daddy!"

Sitting up playing with her toy. 

Concentrating so hard. (She has mommy's concentration face, look at that tongue)

So happy! She likes to play with Kayte's 'putey' 

This sweet little gal can do so many things. Roll over, sit up, turn herself around, grasp things, TALK, and in no time we think she is going to be crawling. Oh boy, we are gonna be in for it then. But we are looking forward to it.

Kaytelynn Elizabeth

 She is now 2 year and about 3 months old. She is crazy, smart, energetic, helpful, silly, adventureous, kind, caring. I could seriously go on about how wonderful this kid is.. 
She insisted she help mama clean the bathrooms. 

Kayte really enjoys when we go visit Daddy at the Firehouse.
 She looks so small driving Daddy's fire engine.

Peeking at us from between the trees.

Check her out. She is on two seperate rocks, but it is hard to tell in this picture.
I love her face though

"Rock climbing" at the playground. Look at her leg 
muscles. She climbed up all by herself, with Daddy telling her where to
put her hands and feet at times.

Another thing she can climb all by herself.
At first when Kayte would do things like this, I would
have a heart attack. Now it is more like a bad panic attack. Maybe one 
day it will ease into something less...

Climbing trees!

Helping me make banana bread! I should have taken a picture
of her eating the results.

Pretending to be asleep! 

Helping mommy make waffles for breakfast! (Yep, I cheat sometimes and 
use pancake mix as my base)

Kayte is growing so quick. She is talking so well in sentences. She is learning so quick with her letters, numbers, shapes, colors, etc. She enjoys going to the library for our books and occasional DVD. Kayte loves to play with her sister. Kayte is doing so well as being a big sister. We are so proud of all of her accomplishments and milestones she meets each and every day.

Friday, October 7, 2011

It Works!

What is It Works? It is a company that sells health/wellness and beauty products. The products reflect high standards of integrity and reach consumers at affordable prices. Today we proudly offer the highest quality nutritional supplements, exclusive anti-aging solutions, and our internationally famed Ultimate Applicator Cosmetic System

 My It Works business kit arrived October 1. I was so excited.
This is what I saw when I opened the box, the wraps and my new measuring tape.

Here is my It Works binder. I love it. 

I have some business goals. Goal number 1 is to sign 4 loyal customer, Goal number 2 is to sign two distributors. I also have a goal to go "blitzing" and pass out my marketing information. 

I have two parting/business events this weekend. I hope I can get all my goals met this weekend.,

"there is no failure in trying, only in quitting"

I also want to point out that I wouldn't sell these products if I did not 100% believe in them. If you have any questions about the business, products or about having your own wrap party email me, text me, or visit my web pages:

It Works by Nikki

It Works by Nikki Facebook Page

Monday, October 3, 2011

It's October!

A new month. At the end of September we shook up some things here in our house. And soon we will share some of that stuff. I recently signed up for It Works. I am super excited to break into this business. The ultimate body applicator  wrap is AH-MAZING! My postpartum tummy is looking better all ready. I even lost 1.75 inches, in 45 minutes. I can't wait to measure again at the end of 72 hours to see the total loss for my first wrap. The wrap is repairing my skin and tightening and toning and I can already tell a difference.

Enough about ItWorks for now. It is our 2nd month of Preschool. And we have some fun fall activities planned. I have been debating on having a fall harvest/halloween party for the girls. Kayte is doing amazing with our home schooling. :) She definitely looks forward to it each day. Right now we follow the 5 day school week with our "school work" but I am beginning to think we need to do it 7 days a week. Now, we are learning EVERY day, but for 7 days a week we would do all regular daily school activities on the weekend too.. like calendar, and a continuation of our weekly curriculum we have set up. 

Emma caught a bit of a baby cold with the weather change. Which isn't fun for anyone. Poor kiddo can't sleep, which she or I am not used too. She is now on the back side of the cold and doing much better. She can now sit up on her own for a few minutes, she has been doing this for a while now. Emma is totally in love with her sister and Kayte eats that up! Joe and I know we are going to have our hands full, wait, we already do with these two. However, when they are older it will be a whole different kind of hands full.