Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Trip to the Salon....

Kayte had her very first hair cut this past Friday. She did such a great job. Nothing major, just a trim and added some layers to her hair. She sat very well. And even got two french braids afterwards.

Even Emmalee got her hair done!! She didn't get it cut, but she did get a pretty little pony.

Not only did Kayte get her hair done she got to do Aunt Courtney's hair and Emmas' hair. 

And no, we didn't keep the hair, that would have been a mess. to put in the scrapbook. Kayte thought it was great to get her hair cut like mommy. She was a little nervous at first because she thought it might hurt. In the end she did fabulous!

It Works! Business

My business is going really well. I haven't sky rocketed to the top like some people I see in the business. But for me, in all my ventures I have done, this is going amazing. I plan on taking this business all the way. It Works is going to allow me to "retire" Joe from working because he "has" too. We will be completely debt free, no car loans, no house loans. Completely free and clear. One day we will own some land and build a beautiful dream home we have always wanted.

Not only do I plan on this being what provides for us, but this is going to allow us to enjoy life. We will not work life away. There are so many things I want for the girls and the rest of our future family. I want to leave a LEGACY.

One thing I do love about this business is sharing the amazing products and changing people's lives. Getting them healthier and wealthier. All I do is share what I have with people, even the skeptics, and viola they have a LOVE for It Works too!

I can't wait to reach the goals I have for myself. Success will be so sweet! My It Works Journey hasn't been the smoothest road, but it's taught me a lot. And makes me want success even more and make it that much better.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

6 years

6 years ago on July 28th Joe and I got married on the beach in Folly Beach South Carolina. And just this past year, we went back for the first time. We took the kids with us and even went back to the same beach house we got married at.

On our actual anniversary this year we took a mini trip, the whole family. Well it was more of a business trip for me because we were going to Evansville for an It Works! Bootcamp. I spent the day in training with some Top Leaders in my company. Joe and the girls spent the day together at the zoo, DQ, and playgrounds.

this is one of my most favorites! I just love Joe's look.

these two (above and below) were just a couple of fun ones at the fire house. It was HOT but fun

Here a couple pictures we had Joe's dad take for us. It's been forever since we had our pictures taken, just us. It was nice. Now all I need to do is to print and frame some!

I can't believe in our 6 years of marriage we have bought 2 houses, 6 cars, several different jobs between the two of us, had 3 dogs, and now have 2 beautiful children. What a journey. I really love my husband and I wouldn't have him any other way than who he is (even if I can't tell he is joking sometimes)

I love you Joseph Wesley!!! ♥ ♥